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Original Woodturnings by Patrick M. O'Brien


I live in Alexandria, Virginia and I've been turning wood since October 2001 when I took a week-long course at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina.  The instructor was Willard Baxter assisted by Bobby Clemons.  From the minute I turned on the lathe for the first time, I've been hooked.  I have returned to the Campbell Folk school several times for courses with Doug Barnes, Dick Sing, Dennis Liggert, and Michael Mocho; have studied with David Ellsworth (whose dad was a librarian like me) at his studio and at his master class at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in August 2005; with Alain Mailland at  Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts; with Al Stirt and Cindy Drozda at Maryland Hall; with Alan Hollar at his studio; and also with Stuart Batty.  I retired in 2008 as Director of the Alexandria Library. In 2002 I opened a studio in Alexandria, then spent six years at the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton, Virginia, and in 2013 moved to a friend's workshop where I turn for fun, not profit.  I work on the Oneway 1640 lathe.  I enjoy seeking my own style and voice.  Many turners have called the winged natural edge piece in the header of my web pages my signature style. There are several examples of the style throughout the site. I am pleased that you have found my site and happy to share views of my work with you. Newest works are always pictured first. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed creating them.  

I  have taught  woodturning fundamentals at the Campbell Folk School.  I occasionally demonstrate for woodturning clubs and regularly teach skill enhancement workshops for the Capital Area Woodturners 

Come back and visit often. Last update January,2025.